How We Thread a Plain Bead

In this video, join us at Infinite Body Jewelry as we take you behind the scenes of inserting a thread in a plain bead.

Don’t forget to check out our previous post where we showcase how we make a basic gem curve!

In this brief video, we demonstrate the meticulous process of drilling a plain bead and seamlessly inserting a thread.

At Infinite Body, we efficiently handle this step, producing a considerable quantity with speed and precision. If you're considering acquiring some, rest assured that our adept team ensures a swift and high-quality production. The thread is intentionally slightly larger than the hole, introducing a purposeful resistance that guarantees a secure placement.

Stay tuned for our next video, where we will delve into the subsequent step of creating a seating for a stone when crafting a basic gem top! Experience the craftsmanship and attention to detail that define our commitment to excellence at Infinite Body.

Make sure to follow us on our Instagram @infinitebodyvancouver for updates on our jewelry.


How We Make a Basic Gem Curve